Detroit opera house lion king
Detroit opera house lion king

detroit opera house lion king detroit opera house lion king

Not to be outdone by the Russians, France also has notably one of the top classical ballet companies in the world - the Paris Opera Ballet. Swan Lake and The Kingdom of the Shades both represent a specific era of classical ballet called “ballet blanc.” The Bolshoi Ballet danced Swan Lake in 2002 the Kirov (now called the Mariinsky Ballet) danced La Bayadère (featuring the infamous Kingdom of the Shades) in 2003, and returned to the Detroit Opera House with The Sleeping Beauty in 2005. The two foremost Russian ballet companies are the Bolshoi and the Kirov, and Michigan Opera Theatre has presented them both at the Detroit Opera House. Michigan Opera Theatre has a rich history of presenting world-class international dance, and in celebration of International Dance Day, we would like to focus on three specific dance genres: classical ballet, contemporary ballet, and African dance.Īlthough ballet originated in the court of Louis the IV, the Russians have long been considered the epitome of classical ballet. But rest assured, they will be back with the 2022-2023 season. Due to COVID travel restrictions, our 2021-2022 dance season does not include any international dance companies. Most every dance season presented by Michigan Opera Theatre at the Detroit Opera House offers a diversity of dance genres, from classical ballet to contemporary dance to culturally specific dance forms. Created by the Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute, the main partner for the performing arts of UNESCO, International Dance Day is a global celebration of dance that takes place every year on 29 April - the anniversary of the birth of Jean-Georges Noverre, the creator of modern ballet.

Detroit opera house lion king